TEACH-NW [TNW] Volunteer Policy and Procedure
Steps to Becoming a Volunteer
Volunteering with TEACH-NW
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for TEACH-NW! Families and community members are essential partners in supporting our students under the direction and supervision of professional personnel. To ensure a safe environment for our students, TEACH-NW requires volunteers to follow the steps below. Please review the Volunteer Code of Conduct (Step 1) and Mandatory Volunteer Training (Step 2) before completing the volunteer application (Step 3). In the online volunteer application, you must sign that you have reviewed these materials and agree to adhere to the requirements. A person is considered a volunteer if they have the potential for unsupervised contact with TEACH-NW students during school hours, including chaperones for field trips.
Read the Volunteer Code of Conduct
You must read and agree to the Volunteer Code of Conduct before you apply to volunteer. Please read the document below before you complete your volunteer training, application, and background check.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
To volunteer at a TEACH-NW Learning Center, applicants are required to complete a background check and agree to the following Volunteer Code of Conduct:
Upon arrival, I will sign in at the Learning Center's main office immediately
I will wear or show volunteer identification whenever I volunteer in a school.
I will follow the directions of the building administrators, teachers, and/or appropriate staff members.
I agree to conduct myself in a professional, respectful manner at all times. I understand that the volunteers are role models for students, and I will conduct myself accordingly.
I understand that I am responsible for following the policies and procedures of TEACH-NW Learning Center. I understand that TEACH-NW has a strong commitment to the diversity and inclusion of all students. I will uphold those policies and values while volunteering. I will not share my personal or political views with students while volunteering. If I have any questions about this, I will ask a TEACH-NW administrator.
I will share with teachers and/or school administrators any concerns that I may have related to student welfare and/or safety.
I will use only adult bathroom facilities where available.
I will not possess weapons of any type while on school property or during school events off premises.
I will not possess or use tobacco or any nicotine-related products and will not possess or be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs on school property or during school events off premises.
I understand that I may learn private or sensitive information about students, families, or staff while volunteering. I agree to maintain confidentiality outside of school. I will not share the information I learn about students or staff with anyone except to carry out my volunteer duties as outlined in this code of conduct.
I agree to avoid exploiting or unduly influencing a student into engaging in an illegal or immoral act or any other behavior that would subject the student to discipline for misconduct, whether or not the student actually engages in the behavior.
I agree not to engage in sexual harassment of students, other volunteers, or school employees. I will avoid having inappropriate contact with any student, whether or not on school property, which includes all forms of sexual touching, sexual relations, or romantic relations, any touching which is unwelcome by the student or inappropriate given the age, sex, and maturity of the student. I will refrain from touching or hugging students, even if the student instigates physical contact.
I agree to notify the TEACH-NW administration if I am arrested for a misdemeanor or felony sex, drug, assault, or weapon-related offense.
Agreement: I agree to follow this code of conduct and the general standards of professional conduct and maintain confidentiality. I understand that volunteering is a privilege, not a right. I understand that failure to comply is grounds for immediate suspension or permanent revocation of my volunteer privileges.
2. Review the Mandatory Volunteer Training
Volunteer Child Abuse ASM Training FINAL
All volunteer applicants are required to review the Mandatory Volunteer Training and agree to adhere to all of the requirements.
3. Submit a Volunteer Application and Volunteer Background Check
Complete the volunteer application completely and accurately.
Criminal Records and Volunteer Background Check Information
Download and complete TEACH-NW's Volunteer Background Check Form. Return completed Volunteer Background Check Form to Shawna Stafford, sstafford@marcola.k12.or.us.
TEACH-NW Learning Center will conduct a criminal background check on volunteer applicants, and we reserve the right to deny applicants with a criminal history and registered sex offenders. TNW recognizes that a criminal record alone is not an indication of the value volunteers offer to our students. When reviewing criminal records, the school district also considers the following:
The safety of our students and staff
The nature and gravity of the offense(s)
The time that has passed since the conviction and/or sentence
The nature of the volunteer work for which the applicant is requesting to volunteer
The positive impact the individual has had within the community since the offense
If you have questions, you may contact TEACH-NW. We respect your privacy, and any conversations concerning your background check will be kept confidential.
4. Approval Notification
If Approved
If you clear the Volunteer Background Check, you will receive an email that you are now approved to volunteer. This approval is good for three years for any TEACH-NW Learning Center.If Denied
If you are denied, you will receive an email. If you have questions about your denial of approval, you may contact TEACH-NW.
5. Approved volunteers should bring a government-issued ID
The first time you volunteer at the school, you must bring a government-issued identification card.
Visitor/Volunteer Sign-In Procedures
TEACH-NW is committed to ensuring our schools are safe places for our students and staff, and this system enables us to be certain we know who is in our schools at all times. Volunteers must first be approved and background checked by the district. All visitors/volunteers will need to wear the printed badge that identifies them as a visitor/volunteer.
We thank you for your understanding and support of enhanced school safety protocols in our district.
Letter to Parents/Guardians Regarding New Visitor/Volunteer Procedures
Please bring a government-issued ID.
To enter a TEACH-NW school beyond the main office while school is in session:
1. Present a Government-Issued Identification (ID). Examples include:
Driver’s License (from Oregon or another state)
State Identification Card (from Oregon or another state)
Passport ID Card
Consular Card
2. The school staff will review your ID and provide a name badge.
3. What if I do not have a Government-Issued ID?
Provide your full name and date of birth, and you will receive a name badge.
On your next visit, please bring a government-Issued ID.
If you do not have one of the IDs listed above, bring in one or more documents you have that include your date of birth and photo, if possible. Once school staff can verify your identity, you will be able to sign in with your name at future visits. Otherwise, you will need to sign in with your name and date of birth each time.