You can get information on student grades, payments, technology help, college and career planning, nutritional assistance, volunteering, student software, and more here. You can also find our weekly newsletter here.
Parent & Family Resources
Student Grades
Schoology is a virtual learning environment for K-12 students that allows users to create, manage, and share academic content.
Online School Payments
This service is provided to facilitate payment of school fees. For further information, please contact Wendi Gill, in the Main Office.
Technology Support
Our Technology is available to assist with any issues related to MSD devices. Please fill out a Support request, and let us know how we can help.
College & Career Planning
Mohawk Middle & High School will be using Naviance this year, as a tool to explore student strength, interests, and post secondary option.
We are excited to welcome volunteers back into our buildings and start working with our students and our programs. Based on the needs and requests of staff, there may be volunteer opportunities in a variety of areas:

Marcola Family Resource Center
FRC’s refer families to resources, provide basic needs supplies like food, clothing, and diapers, help families navigate the public school system, and provide parenting programs like Raising A Reader, Story-Times, and LaneKids Parenting Education.
Shana Hockema, Coordinator
Mohawk Family Newsletters

Students can download the PowerSchool App, and have a real-time look at their class schedules and other information.
Step 1 - Download the App
Step 2 - Search for Marcola School District (You do NOT need the 4-letter code)
Step 3 - Login. If you need to reset your username and password, contact Rex Hoffman or Wendi Gill.